Group coaching
I bring a space of dialogue when accompanying groups, teams, and other collectives. I draw on my knowledge of the systems of different types of governance: hierarchical, participatory, dynamic and organic.
Which coaching for which system?
I come in, for example, to put in place operational tension management meetings.
I also facilitate the team-building process during team seminars (in such situations as a merger, an acquisition, following up on propositions, etc).
The team coaching is set for a time frame that is decided together. The diagnostic phase enables me to assess the level of development of the team and its performance. I then work with the client to develop an action plan to improve the team’s efficiency and functioning.
Each proposition, each coaching session, is designed and developed considering the subtle nuances of the unique group system. The responses are co-created with the teams, so they depend strictly on what is really happening, on the client’s request, their needs, and their issues. I also take into account the way in which we can unblock situations, bringing forward clarity and common sense… and always putting the human element back at the heart of activities!
” The problems I meet sometimes call for specific skills. I am part of the group of coaches to accompany the evolution of management, an accompaniment that is based on new methods of governance. “